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Offering uniquely tailored professional coaching and energizing and inspiring training at Development is Qi, Guido strives to contribute to a better and more loving world by guiding people to go from surviving to thriving; on the work floor and in the rest of their life.

He is on a mission to bring more consciousness and meaning to the work floor. To guide people to go from surviving to thriving and having more positive impact.

By creating more awareness and helping them find and build their inner strength or Qi, professionals or leaders can maximize their potential while contributing to their organization and larger society.

By doing that Guido gives himself the pleasure of continuous learning and growing while really connecting with clients.


Holistic Coaching can help you find your Qi in both private and professional daily life. All too often we are conditioned to perpetually seek development, but goals are set outside of ourselves and/or the focus is on the output, on what’s rational or merely materialistic, and on conforming to societal norms.

No wonder we get burned out – we disconnect from our bodies, our soul and its unique values, and eventually the world around us. Development is Qi focuses on developing inner strength (Qi) and finding purpose, by creating more self- awareness and clarity. In becoming more effective and thriving as a professional or leader, we can set more relevant goals and achieve them. You hold the steering wheel of your uniquely tailored coaching journey.

The 5 elements of optimal (personal) leadership, the conscious way.

From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace ™

Guido Deuzeman is a coach and trainer, and a former advisor to CEO’s and national political leaders. Inspired by his own experience, ancient wisdom and modern (optimal performance) science, he developed The 5 elements of optimal (personal) leadership, the conscious way. From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace ™. They serve as a framework to fall back on, to evoke awareness and inspire. Certainly not as boxes you have to tick to be perfect. No leader is and will be. See below the framework; if you want to have the workbook, with tools and practices and further inspiration and knowledge about optimal performance, the conscious way, click here.


Online training: easier to plan, accessible and still a meaningful connection. Development is Qi now also offers (online) trainings, for a group of peers or teams and groups of colleagues. The first training now offered is The 5 elements of optimal (personal) leadership, the conscious way. From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace ™.
With the 3 hour online training of “The 5 elements of optimal (personal)
leadership, the conscious way. From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace ™ you are introduced to a new way of looking at your (professional) self. Your personal leadership and optimal performance. You will be challenged to start to really take the lead from within and live and work to your full potential.

How is your relationship with stress? Are you really self-aware? How is your mind-body connection and focus? Are you ready to bring out more of the coaching leader or colleague inside yourself? Are you really clear and organized and do you communicate authentically? And how can you make some real changes, step by step?


I am a 43-year-old Dutchman, a father and husband, and a lot more. 2023 has brought exciting changes with our relocation to Bensafrim on the south coast of Portugal. We moved here because we wanted to spend more time outside in constant contact with nature and become more self-sufficient with a little less stress than in Northern Europe. We are finding our way in Portugal with the occasional struggles that arise, still excited to live in this country. I am a man who used to rely on his rational qualities but neglected or even was a bit afraid of his emotions, and was mostly disconnected from the body and soul. Even with a fairly successful career, I often struggled with the nagging feeling that I was not really “free” or being “my authentic self” with a stress level that was often too high and an (almost full) burnout as result. It took a couple of big losses and events in my life to accelerate my own development and self-actualization.


Just some of the great people or platforms that inspire me and are connected to the coaching work and personal and holistic development. Maybe they inspire you too!