The 5 elements of optimal (personal) leadership, the conscious way.
From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace™
The conscious leader
in you is self- aware. Aware of your own wellbeing, and that of others. Of what sparks joy and gives energy. Of your mind-body connection, emotions, body signals and the triggers and negative patterns or believes (the unconscious scripts) that keep you from being fully present and able to focus. From reaching your full potential. Only then can you see and act clearly, truly be there for your people, your colleagues. Only with an open heart, being compassionate for others and yourself, being vulnerable and strong, can you further develop yourself as a true and brave leader. Only with empathy, placing yourself in another person’s position, can you truly influence, motivate people, or negotiate a good result. You know that self- awareness is not only about introspection, but also about seeing what your behavior does with other people.
The coaching leader
in you knows optimal performance is not only about connecting with yourself, but also about really connecting with others, outside and inside your organization. Letting colleagues see their own potential. About being aware of what kind of circumstances you create for your employees or colleagues. Can they thrive, are they truly seen and stimulated to take initiative? Bringing the coaching mindset into your organization, and leading by example as a leader, makes your own life, and the performance of the whole organization, better.
The developing leader
in you wants to learn and grow. Not for money, success, or other people, but out of curiosity and wanting to make the most out of your time on this earth. You want to use and optimize your qualities, serving a greater cause. You have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. You know your mind and body, and treat them well. To make yourself more flexible, more resilient to stress in this often disruptive, quick and sometimes toxic world. You are also aware that you simply need rest, joy and gratefulness to thrive. That connecting with your loved ones is fundamental.
The clear and organized leader
in you is intentional. You ask yourself: Who am I, Why am I on this earth and working for this organization and What do I (want to) do every day that is aligned with that? You have a vision, not only for the organization, but also for yourself and your well-being. You are aware of how you use your attention and time, you want to set the agenda instead of having it be forced upon you. You dare to do things different than other people if that is needed to have more impact. You like clarity, accountability, transparency and feedback.
The leader as an authentic communicator
in you communicates from the heart, consistent and congruent. From your Who, Why and What. You are open, honest, brave and sometimes vulnerable. You make mistakes, you learn, you grow. You have nothing to hide. This all makes you confident. You like telling your own private and professional story, referring to your values and goals. And you like clear messaging that avoids cliches and simply echoing the words of the status quo. Your words have meaning.
With the framework comes a digital workbook. The framework consists of 5 elements, which all have 3 building blocks, and helpful tools and practices to
explore. In the workbook you will also find questions to help you evoke awareness and further inspiration and knowledge about optimal performance, the conscious way. The questions come from the additional conscious optimal performance checklist of powerful questions ™. You can use this checklist as a tool to create awareness, use it individually or with your team. With the individual coaching Guido draws from the framework but the client is always in the lead, he or she decides what the coaching topics and overarching themes will be. Get the workbook and checklist in your mailbox by signing up for the newsletter on the right.
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Online Training:
easier to plan
and still a meaningful connection!
Development is Qi now also offers (online) trainings, for a group of peers or teams and groups of colleagues. The first training now offered is The 5 elements of optimal (personal) leadership, the conscious way. From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace ™. With the 3 hour online training of “The 5 elements of optimal (personal) leadership, the conscious way. From surviving to thriving in a stressful world and workplace ™ you are introduced to a new way of looking at your (professional) self. Your personal leadership and optimal performance. You will be challenged to start to really take the lead from within and live and work to your full potential. How is your relationship with stress? Are you really self-aware? How is your mind-body connection and focus? Are you ready to bring out more of the coaching leader or colleague inside yourself? Are you really clear and organized and do you communicate authentically? And how can you make some real changes, step by step? After the training you will receive the 5 elements digital workbook and checklist of powerful questions, to help you on your own unique journey. The training comes in different, tailored versions, for leaders (managers, directors) and for professionals that want to take the lead from within. For groups with peers and for teams. After this training you will:
have more self- awareness as a starting point for growth.
have new (science based) insights about your optimal performance in a stressful world and having more impact on the work floor.
be inspired and better equipped to change things in your daily life, step by step, on your own unique path to living to your full potential.
In 2024 new trainings will be offered, based on the framework for optimal personal leadership, helping leaders and professionals bring out the coaching
leader in themselves or work on their authentic and confident communication. Do you want to have more information or book a training, send an email to Do you want to find out of if the coaching could be a match for you? Book a free discovery call here:
“A surprising digital training about your own personal leadership development. It not only gives an overview of different forms/ aspects of leadership with the 5 elements framework, but I was stimulated to really do some work myself, and become aware of what I want and what I am good at. All in an open atmosphere, with really nice talks with fellow participants, as a group or in breakout sessions.”
– Rene Teule, municipality of the Hague
The principles of conscious and
effective professional communication™
Soon also available as a 3 hour (online) training
Communication is quite fundamental for us humans. We want to connect, set boundaries, express ourselves, say what we mean, want, need or feel to other people. We use it to get things done together also, that’s our superpower as humans. And still there are billions of examples of miscommunication every day and thousands of courses and videos to improve it. On the work floor a lot of people, teams struggle to communicate effectively. A lot of meetings just suck the energy out of everybody attending. Nobody really feels seen. People act and communicate a bit robotic, completely different then at home. And they don’t look and feel confident, also when they represent their organization on a stage or in the media.
Communication is my special expertise, having worked as an advisor and spokesperson, also in national politics under high media pressure. Still, if you’d ask my wife, she will tell you that I’m definitely not communicating like an expert all the time and everywhere. What makes it so hard? In my view a big part of the problem is that we don’t act conscious and authentic. A lot of people even see communication as a trick or discipline they have to learn or role they have to play to make a career. Or manipulate people. Not as a way of expressing their true self, and all the views, feelings and actions that flow from that. A lot of us are not in contact with our body and intuition while communicating. We are not self- aware, conscious of our feelings or needs and what triggers us during our interaction with other people. We forget to be present, that there is a world of wisdom and peace between stimulus and response: we don’t have to react all the time to everything and that quick. We don’t listen actively to others, really connect with them. We forget to breathe and are easily distracted. Only if we work on this, we will be able to communicate on a higher level more consistently.
We will never be perfect, but we can improve. And luckily we have ancient wisdom and modern science, together with inspiring communicators, that show us the way. Using those inspirations and my own experience, I’ve created the principles of conscious and effective professional communication ™ to guide every leader, professional and team on their way to more connection and impact. These principles, coming in four categories, cover almost every form of communication; direct, online, written, giving a presentation, acting in the media or communicating as a team:
Introspection (first look within)
Interaction (connect with other people, be clear, be real, be ok with discomfort)
Impact (getting your message across, people behind you and have more positive impact)
Inspiring team communication (connect, make each other stronger, get things done together)
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